Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why The U.S. Economy Is So Bad

With everyone losing their jobs lately, ten million, more or less, myself included, it seems that every article I've read so far has blamed oil prices. Are we to say that thousands of people are losing their jobs, food prices are going up, stock markets are crashing, and people are going flat out broke, because of oil? This is absolutely ridiculous. George W. Bush isn't helping by putting out 100 billion dollars out to spend, the problem with the economy isn't people spending, it's companies raising prices and raping people of their money. I don't understand how a simple thing such as oil, could possibly be the cause for so many problems. I also don't understand why the U.S. doesn't invest in solar energy. If we were to build a power plant of solar panels, that covered one hundred miles, by one hundred miles in a U.S. desert, we would no longer need nuclear energy, and we would no longer need power plants, or steam engines powering our houses. Just pure solar energy. Even then, we could sell our energy to other countries, which would put the U.S. trade deficit so far up, we could create our own business. I personally think that we should make the middle eastern countries pay five times the price of our solar energy than other countries, because they are the same idiots raping us with the oil prices. A denial of selling energy to them would suffice too. At least Barrack Obama wants the U.S. to be 25% solar powered by 2025, as far as I've read. Which is a pretty good amount, however still not good enough. Oil is bull, solar and wind power are where it's at. One more thing if I could add. If every American home, were to have solar panels on their roof, they could sell energy to the local energy companies, and eventually put them out of business. I just don't understand why nobody is thinking about clean energy, and it's benefits, we have plenty of resources around us that won't rape our planet, and will help our global economy stabilize.