Monday, February 11, 2008

My Investment Strategy

The reason that I chose the companies were for some basic reasons. I think everyone in the class invested in apple simply for the heck of investing in Apple. However, I know for a fact that Apple will have a new press conference at the end of the month. Either they'll be releasing the new Software Developers Kit for the iPhone, or they'll be releasing the new fourth generation MacBook Pro's, seeing as they've been detected over networks as "MacBook Pro 4.0". The reason that I've invested in Yahoo was the fact that of recently, they were offered lots and lots of money from Microsoft, and they turned them down. Yahoo also is a very stable stock, and hopefully will rise soon. As for Google, when Microsoft was prepared to buy Yahoo, they tried to interfere, and I guess they succeeded because Yahoo turned them down. I also heard rumors that Yahoo and Google may merge in order to probe internet searches. Now I have a very interesting reason for investing in Intel. I feel that they'll be going up pretty soon, hopefully. You see Intel is researching new processors. Some new technology called "Phase Change Memory". Something where instead of using electrons to transfer data, it uses atoms. My strategy relies on how popular, or upcoming events for the company.

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