Tuesday, February 26, 2008

US Trade Deficit

I'm not sure how this blog is useful, or should be graded on, seeing as you basically told everyone the answer today in class, Mr. Moloney...However, I will continue explaining what was asked.

A trade deficit is the amount where a country's imports, are more expensive than it's exports. The U.S. trade deficit went down in 2007 because our mighty dollar became extremely less valuable. When the cost of our dollar goes down, other countries see it as an opportunity to buy a lot of our exports for cheap. A large trade deficit is bad for the country, because a country should be making more money than it is spending. If a country spends more money on buying goods from other countries, than it does selling it's goods to other countries, then it adds to our national debt, at least the way I see it. It's bad to import more goods than to export because it means were not making as much money. If we ever make it out of this economic turmoil, we should definitely see our country's trade deficit dropping faster than google's stocks.

1 comment:

Mr. Moloney said...

ah yes Michael - but not everyone is as smart as you. And it is good for students to write - not matter what kind of writing it is. There is nothing wrong with writing about something that you know about already - it helps it to "sink in" even more. I like the blogs because it makes kids read and write - and there are no papers for me to collect, carry around, and hand back. And I get to read writing that is not handwritten - which I cant read anyway.