Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fed helps market go up

Apparently, the Federal Reserve is capable of altering the stock market, we can see this when DOW increased 400 points on Friday due to the Central Bank lowering it's federal funds rate. At least the Federal Reserve is noticing that were going into a recession. Our economy is doing very poorly, and even if the DOW went up 400 points, I'm absolutely sure that in the oncoming weeks, it will rather than double the 400, simply go down 800 points to show how bad our situation is. If the stock market is going up, then nobody in our stock market game should be in the negatives. It's a bad time to be investing in stocks, especially now when our country is in the middle of a war, in national debt, and our economy is falling apart. I don't think that anything the feds can do could possibly help us.

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