Monday, May 12, 2008

Buying a Car

I will be buying a car, rather than leasing it, because eventually, it's worth should go up. From reading the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, it explains that the rich get their income from assets. So if I were to buy a car, and it's worth were to go up over time, I would be making more money than I would be paying for, which would be good. Now, because of our situation with gasoline, I will be buying a car that does not rely on fossil fuels. I will probably end up buying either an electric car, or a hydrogen fueled car, in order to help the environment. I will be purchasing Tesla's new fully electric car, which only costs $4 in order to get a full charge, for it to go 220 miles. Fuel efficiency at it's best. Unfortunately, the car is at a pretty high price, at $98,000. However, my feeling is that I'll be saving more money by purchasing this car, rather than spending $20,000 on a regular car, that get's 35 mpg. Depending on how much the car can carry in the tank, I'll probably be paying around $50 for a full tank of gas. If I needed to do that once a week, for the rest of the year, I'd be paying about $2500 in gasoline a year, not to mention the fact that gasoline prices will go up, and we will be facing more deflation. I will be saving more money by purchasing this car. In order to purchase it, I will get a loan, searching for a low interest rate. And pay it off in the amount of money that I would usually pay for gasoline. Having said that, I think that over time, I'll be able to sell this car at an even higher price than that of which it was purchased. Even though it is used, it's value will go up in the coming years as people will want to purchase electric and hydrogen powered cars. In time, this vehicle should pay for itself.

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